Timothy Akana Software Engineer Logo

Timothy Akana

Full Stack Software Engineer
Whale Logo

Beneath the Surface

A professional headshot of Timothy Akana
My name is Timothy Akana, and I'm a full-stack software engineer with an emphasis on the front-end.
I have been working in tech in the Bay Area for 7+ years, and I am currently looking for work.
Feel free to contact me, take a look at some projects, or just get to know me better through my ABC's
Check out my ABCs
Scuba Diver Logo

Deep Dive

into Projects
LaptopProject Screenshot
React-Pro-Panels is an npm package I created that features a higher-order component wrapper to make any component resizable, draggable, and persistent!
LaptopProject Screenshot
Nicole's Pet Care
A live website for a small business owner. The site features automated invoice generation, integrated payment options, and a booking calendar synced with Google Calendars.
LaptopProject Screenshot
Ailpup: A Homestay Booking Service
A clone of a homestay booking service, created with custom built CSS and animations.
Submarine Logo

Even Deeper

Contact Me